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Kent OTM 6.12.24 - FINAL (pdf)
DownloadOn June 4th, 2023 the search committee was commissioned.
Clergy interested in this position should contact the Diocese of Ohio transitions officer for additional information at (216) 771-4815
In July 2022, we said farewell to our full-time priest of 16 years. On September 4th, 2022, we welcomed our interim priest in charge (3/4 time)
The Diocesan discernment officer visited our parish to discuss the way ahead.
We held Listening Sessions for all parishioners to talk about where we've been and the way forward with several facilitators present. Our focus was "Speaking the Truth in Love."
The parish discussed the questions on the OTM profile and brainstormed some ideas.
All parishioners were invited to participate in these discussions. The responses were posted in the parish hall for all to see. They will be used by the search committee as they begin their work.
On May 24th, the vestry appointed the search committee members. On Sunday, June 4th the vestry gave them their charge to help define their work.
We held three parish meetings to talk about where we've been, where we are, and where we are going.
The search committee wrote the descriptions of our parish for the OTM profile. It was presented to the vestry for approval in February. The vestry included the financial and additional information before sending the profile to our Diocesan Transitions office who posted it on the Episcopal Church web site in early March for all clergy to see.
The search committee will provide updates to the congregation on a regular basis. They will be preparing materials describing our parish to share with potential candidates. They are supported by the diocesan staff and our search consultant. Questions? Contact the diocesan transitions officer at (216) 771-4815.
The Diocesan Transition Officer visited the Congregation in summer 2022
Interim Priest arrived in September 2022
Many of the things placed on pause during COVID resumed as the Interim began work
We celebrated the Holidays as a parish community.
Parishes who had a rector who was with them for a long time often take a pause to allow the congregation to consider how they will move forward.
The parish began to discuss the OTM questions and brainstorming responses.
Each Wednesday in Lent 2022, parishioners discussed the OTM questions (2-3 of the 12 questions per week.)
The vestry appointed a search committee and gave them their "Charge" (expectations) on June 4th, 2023. Our diocesan transitions officer works with the search committee.
Congregation inputs for the OTM profile will be used to create the OTM.
The search committee will develop information about the the community to share with candidates.
Phase III concludes when the OTM profile and other information are approved by the vestry and published.
The search committee prepares to interview candidates. Prepare appropriate questions, practice interviewing skills, review best practices for interviews and they may do practice interviews with clergy volunteers. Position postings may be left open for applications for 4-6 months.
Review candidate materials (resumes, references, etc) Candidate interviews by phone followed by in-person interviews with those who seem to be a good match for the congregation. Most candidates interview with multiple congregations and the search committee may enter discussion with multiple candidates.
The search committee recommends a candidate to the vestry who will interview the individual. If it seems like a good match the vestry, after consulting with the bishop, issues a call and begins work on a Letter of Agreement (includes full or part time compensation, discussion on living arrangements, time off, sabbatical, and other position related information.
The interim departs 1-2 months before the candidate's anticipated arrival date. Supply priests are used during this period.
The Search Committee is dismissed from their duties with gratitude and thanksgiving.
A transition committee prepared to welcome the priest and family and to help them become settled over the first few months in Kent.
Next priest is welcomed at their first church service.
Christ Episcopal Church
118 South Mantua Street, Kent Ohio 44240